Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Clock is Ticking

Can you hear it? The 2010 Video Music awards is almost here !! After the long and torturing wait..... Well its Gaga's year !! Do you hear that little monsters ?? 13 freaking nominations !! Lets pray and wish her the best..... Ever wonder what's she gonna wear...?
By the way, I'm giving out results live from this blog. So stay tune. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


My Recovery album FINALLY arrived.... After almost 1 month of waiting... Just popped the cd in....Its gorgeous !! Starting to love Eminem.. ( I won it last month on Fly FM, in case you don't know )

Meanwhile, can you believe it ?!?! The VMA is just 4 days away !!     I'm soo gonna watch it live . =)

Gaga's Gonna Sweep The VMA 

Monday, September 6, 2010

And the Award Goes To.........

First of all, I want to thank everyone in the studio, my producers, Dany for being a good friend of mine, my family and finally ALL my fans for supporting me. Thank you so much and I love you guys !!

Oh whatever.....

The VMA is this Sunday !! I can't believe it !! And in Malaysia, its in Monday morning !! And in coinsidence, it's a school holiday !! It's all fated ..... ( Crying in tears of joy... ) Best of luck to GAGA !!

* In case you're living in a cave or lock yourself in the room for 23 hours a day, VMA stands for Video Music Awards....

WITCH BITCH Hey it Rhymes !!

Hate it when that old lady ( not my mum ) comes back.... I lose a room and I had to look at her bitchy face EVERY SINGLE DAY. Basically, everyone hates her. ( I'm not alone... ) She ( or it ) occasionally ALWAYS creates stuff to ruin our family.. ( Like its not chaotic enough ) And this time, I'm the victim.

It all starts when my grandma told me that IT told her I stole her money, she took it back from me and I took it back again. I was like WHAT THE FUCK is she on this time. She even claimed seeing me in her room. ( HELLO !?!?!  I was just looking at myself in the mirror ) So, I calmly when into the room and ask her, she said the same thing, checked my money... wait a minute, WHERE'S MY MONEY ?!?! FUCK THAT WITCH !! And she said she did not take it ( The interesting part )

First of all, I did not take her dirty money thats for sure. Secondly, how can she just enter my room and take my money ?!?!? Thats why I NEED to have my own room and LOCK IT. Then, she spreads the news around and with me not even knowing what I have done !! ( Thank god my grandmother told me, thats why I love her you see... )

And finally, after a series of questioning, found my money in HER drawer. Yeah, mystery solved... 
And she denies everything and says she did not see the money just now.... And after that, a series of stuff happened, which I don't think and want to talk about it here......And thats all about the witch, although she then accused me of putting the money back. ( Imbeciles and bitches always act like scums... )

And the saddest part is, where's a friend when you need them? WHY IS HE ALWAYS LIKE THAT?!!?!?  HE NEVER answer my calls when I need him the most.... This is the BEST night in my life.....

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Blesses From GaGa

Remember 2 weeks ago I won Eminem's
album "Recovery" from Fly FM ??
I won Enrique Eglesias' album "Euphoria"
this time !!!
Oh My F****** God.....
And the album I won is the LAST copy
for the whole week !!

Must be a blessing by Gaga.....

BTW, Shu Ning

A Big GaGa Welcome

My new blog ..... again..

Hoping to maintain this one
Let's see how long it'll last shall we ?
