Monday, September 6, 2010

WITCH BITCH Hey it Rhymes !!

Hate it when that old lady ( not my mum ) comes back.... I lose a room and I had to look at her bitchy face EVERY SINGLE DAY. Basically, everyone hates her. ( I'm not alone... ) She ( or it ) occasionally ALWAYS creates stuff to ruin our family.. ( Like its not chaotic enough ) And this time, I'm the victim.

It all starts when my grandma told me that IT told her I stole her money, she took it back from me and I took it back again. I was like WHAT THE FUCK is she on this time. She even claimed seeing me in her room. ( HELLO !?!?!  I was just looking at myself in the mirror ) So, I calmly when into the room and ask her, she said the same thing, checked my money... wait a minute, WHERE'S MY MONEY ?!?! FUCK THAT WITCH !! And she said she did not take it ( The interesting part )

First of all, I did not take her dirty money thats for sure. Secondly, how can she just enter my room and take my money ?!?!? Thats why I NEED to have my own room and LOCK IT. Then, she spreads the news around and with me not even knowing what I have done !! ( Thank god my grandmother told me, thats why I love her you see... )

And finally, after a series of questioning, found my money in HER drawer. Yeah, mystery solved... 
And she denies everything and says she did not see the money just now.... And after that, a series of stuff happened, which I don't think and want to talk about it here......And thats all about the witch, although she then accused me of putting the money back. ( Imbeciles and bitches always act like scums... )

And the saddest part is, where's a friend when you need them? WHY IS HE ALWAYS LIKE THAT?!!?!?  HE NEVER answer my calls when I need him the most.... This is the BEST night in my life.....

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